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The Analytics app allows you to track events and user behavior across your business as well as your product(s).


Whenever a user performs an action in your application, each instance of that action is called an Event. Usually, the Event has a name (example: Button Clicked) and some associated data (example: the label of the button being clicked).

The unique set of event names are called Event Types, which you can use to control all events of the same type. For example: You can mute all events of a particular type, or modify the schema (list of properties for an event type).

Tracking Events

When you track events from your application, you are generally dealing with Custom Event Types that are specific to your Workspace.

However, DashX also comes with certain System Event Types out-of-the-box. Each App typically has 2 Event Types per Operation:

  • [OPERATION NAME] Succeeded

Few examples:

  • Create Account Succeeded
  • Update Account Failed
  • Destroy Group Succeeded

System Event Types cannot be manually tracked. They are automatically tracked when an operation succeeds or fails.

You can create Custom Operations, which also have the 2 system-generated event types.

Another approach is by performing Operations (both System and Custom), which automatically track System Event Types.

Event Naming

Typically, events are named as [NOUN] [PAST TENSE OF VERB]. Few examples:

  • Button Clicked
  • Page Viewed
  • Blog Post Archived

DashX's System Event Types also follow this convention.

Events Data Integrity

By default, whenever you track an Event, if there isn't an Event Type with the same name yet, DashX will automatically create one for you. This makes it easy when you are first adding Analytics to your product.

However, you should avoid doing this in a Live Environment to maintain the integrity of your events data. To turn this off, simply:

  • Switch to the Workspace dashboard from the top bar.
  • Navigate to the Apps section.
  • Select the Analytics app to open up the Installation Side Pane. Here, you can configure each environment to behave as needed.
  • Ensure the Automatically create Event Types? setting is disabled.