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Install Apps

Next, install some Apps using the following steps:

  • Switch to the Workspace dashboard from the top bar.
  • Head to the Apps section.
  • Click on the [+] button to open up the Apps Directory.
  • Select any App that you like, and click the Install button.

Apps under the Core category help you extend your workspace's functionality (or, "core"). You can install only one of each:

  • User Management
  • Analytics
  • Messaging

Apps under the remaining categories help you integrate with a wide variety of third-party services. You can install multiple of each:

  • Databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB)
  • Payment Gateways (Stripe, RazorPay)
  • Messaging Services (Twilio, MailChimp, AWS SES)
  • APIs (REST API, GraphQL API)
  • ...and more